Objectives and Functions


  1. In order to achieve its objectives, EgyptEra may undertake all actions and necessary steps, and in particular, it may:

  2. Set plans, programs, rules and means of management conforming to the Agency activities.

  3. Set proper economic rules and principles to calculate the electricity sale tariff for non-eligible customers, the electricity exchange prices in the regulated Market and the consideration for utilizing the Transmission and Distribution Networks within a framework of justice and transparency, and to further have these rules and principles approved by the Cabinet and notified through EgyptEra.

  4. Set rules and procedures ensuring due protection of the Consumer rights.

  5. Confirm that electric power is securely supplied to Consumers, through careful review- in coordination with the authorities of concern- of the investment plans that apply to the electricity generation, transmission and distribution.

  6. Set technical quality principles and other standard measures on the performance of the various electricity services.

  7. Set technical quality principles and other standard measures on the performance of the various electricity services.

  8. Monitor the scope of availability of the technical, financial, economic and administrative efficiencies that are required by the Electricity Utility Stakeholders, with the aim of achieving sustainability and quality of services.

  9. Set an electricity sale tariff for non-eligible customers, covering the various voltages and all uses, fix electricity exchange prices in the regulated Market and approve consideration for using the transmission and distribution networks, provided that such activities shall be undertaken within a framework of equality, justice and according to the previously declared economic rules and principles as referred to in Clause (3) herein.

  10. Approve any changes in equity or in the controlling interest of the assets of licensees, and approve any liquidation procedures.

  11. Impose any of the penalties set forth in Article (23) of the present Law, in case of violating the legitimate, free competition rules or the transparency and equal opportunity principles.

  12. Set the rules and procedures required to develop and encourage the production and use of the electricity derived from renewable sources, and raise the electricity use efficiency.

  13. Issue Electricity Source Certificates to the renewable source electricity producers, in accordance with the rules and procedures set by EgyptEra Board of Directors.

  14. Set systems and rules duly planned to receive, register, study and investigate into any complaints raised by the Consumers, issue decisions to this effect and follow up the implementation of these decisions.

  15. Review and adjudicate on any dispute that may arise between the Electricity Utility Stakeholders in connection with the Electricity Utility's workflow and level of regularity.

  16. Give permissions and licenses for the establishment, management, operation and maintenance of electric power production, distribution and sale projects.

  17. In order to carry out its activities, EgyptEra may engage such experts as it deems necessary to determine their financial treatment.

  18. And within three months of the end of the fiscal year, EgyptEra must submit to the Prime Minister an annual report on its activities during the year and the development of the electricity market.


  1. EgyptEra aims to organize, follow up, monitor and develop all the electricity activities, including electricity generation, transmission, distribution and/or consumption. This is to ensure availability, efficiency and quality of electricity and that electricity needs in the various uses thereof are all met at suitable prices. EgyptEra further aims to preserve environment, attract investments within a framework of free, legitimate competition and without prejudice to the interest of the consumers and the other Electricity Utility Stakeholders. It, moreover, plans to provide information without favoritism and act within a framework of equality and free competition..